Learn the difference between eCR and traditional case reporting. See how eCR is a faster process to receive and send more complete data.
Year released: 2021
Learn the difference between eCR and traditional case reporting. See how eCR is a faster process to receive and send more complete data.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 3 Minutes
This course provides information on the role and processes of laboratory informatics through exploration of the “life of a result” as data and results move through the laboratory and outside the laboratory. Topics covered include characterization of the recipients of laboratory data, data and results storage, and the communication of data and results (especially electronically) to various stakeholders
Year released: 2019
This course provides information on the role and processes of laboratory informatics through exploration of the “life of a specimen” as a specimen moves through the laboratory. Topics covered include the roles of various personnel in the laboratory informatics enterprise, data relationships, data quality, and standards, and the generation and flow of information as a specimen progresses through the pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic phases.
Year released: 2018
Duration: 2:00:00