Part of Fundamentals of IIS series along with Interoperability and HL7 Basics. Goes over key concepts related to the characteristics of IIS data quality, how it's measured, examples of issues, and strategies for improvements.
Year released: 2021
Part of Fundamentals of IIS series along with Interoperability and HL7 Basics. Goes over key concepts related to the characteristics of IIS data quality, how it's measured, examples of issues, and strategies for improvements.
Year released: 2021
Duration: Self-paced, should take ~30 min
Part of Fundamentals of IIS series along with Data Quality and HL7 Basics. Goes over the concepts of data exchange between IIS and other systems.
Year released: 2021
Duration: Self-paced, should take ~30 min
Part of Fundamentals of IIS series along with Data Quality and Interoperability. Goes over the HL7 V2 standard, why it's used for immunization messaging, what the impacts are on IIS, and IIS responsibilities related to HL7.
Year released: 2021
Duration: Self-paced, should take ~30 min
Exploration of conformance, constraints, and message profiles
Year released: 2021
Duration: Self-paced, should take ~45 min
Immunization Evaluation and Forecasting; how it works, how forecasting functionality is implemented, and how the rules are maintained/tested in an IIS
Year released: 2021
Duration: Self-paced, should take ~45 min
Resources resulting from a Public Health FHIR Implementation Collaborative workshop include a high-level overview of FHIR, a more in-depth review of the rules, regulations, and policy framework behind interoperability, and a workshop summary.
Year released: 2022
Duration: 24 minutes
Four template job descriptions covering Executive, Management, Clinical and Professional roles. These may be a good starting point for putting together job descriptions for your program.
Year released: 2014
Training modules around the Stage 2 Meaningful Use (MU) Rule to train Eligible Professional (EPs) and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) on how to implement new standards
Year released: 2017
Definition of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those working in the discipline
Year released: 2009
Duration: 45 Minutes to 1 Hour