Introduction to Interoperability, Standards and the Role of the Public Health Domain expert
Year released: 2022
Introduction to Interoperability, Standards and the Role of the Public Health Domain expert
Year released: 2022
This presentation aims to introduce the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) in the context of public health participation in TEFCA-based data exchange. It features panelists who discuss how they envision their health agency benefiting from TEFCA and how they are preparing to participate. You will also learn more about the legal and policy considerations around TEFCA.
Year released: 2024
Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes
A first-time attendee video for the HL7 FHIR Connectathon describes hands-on FHIR development and testing. The first two hours focus on an overview of FHIR, profiling, and implementation guides. The third hour is focused on what to expect at HL7 FHIR Connectathons. Time stamps for specific topics are provided below:
FHIR 101
6:10 FHIR Timeline
13:04 Regulatory drivers behind FHIR
13:35 Basics of FHIR (Overview)
15:45 Benefits of FHIR
17:35 Navigating the Specification
20:00 Resources
22:50 Profile
24:45 Extensions
26:45 FHIR Operations
28:00 Terminology
29:05 Modules
30:30 Scenario Example
32:30 Resource Content
34:20 Terminology Bindings
35:30 Search Parameters
36:10 Example Resource
37:30 References between Resources
40:15 Structure and Coding
41:40 Value Sets
43:00 Profiling
44:30 REST and APIs, SMART on FHIR
47:50 CDS Hooks
48:50 Bulk Data Access
49:00 CQL
How to Read an IG
53:00 Why do we need implementation guides?
54:00 What is an FHIR Implementation Guide?
54:50 Navigating the FHIR Implementation Guide
58:40 Homepage
59:40 Framework/Guidance
1:00:00 Use Cases/ Examples
1:02:50 FHIR Artifacts
1:04:10 Profiles
1:09:30 Slicing
1:10:45 Conformance
1:12:00 Terminologies
1:13:50 Operations
1:16:10 Capability Statement
1:18:25 Tips and Tricks
1:22:00 Where do you find FHIR IGs?
US Core Profiles
1:27:40 Cures Act Final Rule
1:29:00 Argonaut Project
1:32:10 US FHIR Core
1:34:30 Argonaut vs US Core
1:36:00 Profile-less FHIR
1:39:30 Profile Deep Dive
1:43:00 US Core Patient
1:44:50 Value Sets
1:47:30 US Core Capability Statement
1:48:30 Extensions
1:49:00 US Core and USCDI
1:51:45 Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP)
1:55:20 Journey to US Core
2:01:30 Inferno
2:02:30 Future of Argonaut and US Core
2:04:50 Data vs Narrative
FHIR Testing, Tools, and Heading to a Connectathon
2:11:15 Interoperability Challenges
2:13:00 The 5 “Ws”
2:23:50 Testing with Touchstone
2:42:20 Connectathon Testing Experience
Year released: 2021
Duration: 3.5 Hours
Resources resulting from a Public Health FHIR Implementation Collaborative workshop include a high-level overview of FHIR, a more in-depth review of the rules, regulations, and policy framework behind interoperability, and a workshop summary.
Year released: 2022
Duration: 24 minutes
A fishbone diagram helps team members visually diagram a problem or condition's root causes, allowing them to truly diagnose the problem rather than focusing on symptoms.
In this training, we'll cover interoperability, the background and history of HL7, and the main HL7 standards that are used in public health. By the end of this video, you will be able to: define interoperability, distinguish between syntactic and semantic interoperability, examine the history
Year released: 2021
Duration: 14 Minutes
A General Introduction to FHIR, presented by Richard Ettema at HL7 FHIR DevDays, June 2018, Boston, MA
Year released: 2018
Duration: 45 Minutes
The interoperability of data, and delivery of a consistent level of data quality, are critical factors in the National Digital Health Strategy – both for quality of immediate care, and for the development of longer-term health strategies. This is the first of a three-part webinar series looking at interoperability and clinical terminologies, with a particular focus on the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), a key standard for interoperable data in Australia.
Year released: 2018
Duration: 43 Minutes
This two-part presentation 1)provides content on: the History of LOINC as an organization and a community of users; a definition of LOINC and LOINC code basics; the LOINC concept model; the six LOINC axeses; and resources for learning more about LOINC. 2) an overview of a typical mapping project using LOINC.
Year released: 2020
Duration: 1 Hour
Year released: 2021
Duration: 52 Minutes
Year released: 2021
Duration: 13 Minutes
In this presentation, we provide an overview of the suite of tools developed by the National Institute for Standards and Technology to document v2 standards & test cases and to validate test messages against those requirements.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 7 Minutes
In this presentation, we will see how IG authors use profiles to add specific rules and constraints to the base standard to achieve the goals of the IG's use case.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 24 Minutes
In this presentation, we will examine some building blocks of the v2 IG, vocabulary, and data types.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 17 Minutes
In this presentation, we will look at the first sections of a v2 implementation guide to see how the documents set the context for interoperability.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 11 Minutes
This video presentation reviews how the authors of the existing newborn screening implementation guides describe the use of Acknowledgment messages. We also discuss the use of common error codes as a way to simplify addressing errors in processing.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 19 Minutes
This video presentation goes into more detail about how the HL7 v2 standard permits the use of Acknowledgment messaging. We also look at how the use of intermediaries impacts Acknowledgment message flow.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 25 Minutes
This video presentation introduces the idea of using HL7 v2 Acknowledgment messages to communicate with data submitters. Acknowledgments are an important way to let submitters know when a message is processed and if any errors were encountered during processing.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 21 Minutes
Year released: 2021
Duration: 7 Minutes
This short presentation describes the ONC's Interoperability Standards Advisory and how it gets updated
Year released: 2021
Duration: 7 Minutes
This video presentation will explore the details of how FHIR resources are defined and used. We'll walk through examples to see how the FHIR standard is implemented to exchange real-world data.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 29 Minutes
This video presentation will review the latest HL7 interoperability standard, FHIR. We'll put FHIR into context relative to other HL7 products and examine how FHIR defines resources to represent a variety of different healthcare entities and events. We'll also discuss how Public Health programs
Year released: 2021
Duration: 18 Minutes
In this presentation, we will be introducing the different HL7 product families that are used to exchange clinical data.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 12 Minutes
In this presentation, we will discuss the different message types and their trigger events. Then we will go over the structure of an HL7 Version 2 message.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 15 Minutes
n this presentation we will explore the location, organization and content of the v2 base standard.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 26 Minutes
In this presentation, we will describe the purpose and organization of the Health Level 7 (HL7) standards development organization
Year released: 2021
Duration: 12 Minutes
In this presentation, we will give an introduction to standards. We review what standards are, why they are important, and how they are developed and implemented.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 9 Minutes
In this presentation, we introduce interoperability. We define important terms and building blocks for achieving interoperability in Newborn Screening programs.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 13 Minutes
Evaluation in the context of public health informatics and discuss why evaluation is necessary
Year released: 2018
Duration: 36 Minutes
Definition and value proposition for Public Health informatics
Year released: 2018
Duration: 1 Hour
Communicating the Value of Public Health Informatics
Year released: 2018
Duration: 41 Minutes
An overview of the FHIR interoperability standard and how it may be applied to a Public Health use case
Year released: 2020
Duration: 1:00:44